Due: Tue, Feb 4, before class
Category = think piece
Now that you’ve signed on to a project that you may or may not have proposed, take time to reflect on what attracted you to the ideas and where you would like to see the project go. Be specific, describing the exact content, tools, function, and design you imagine for your website: will it include a scholarly essay, timeline, map, network visualization, art exhibit, slide show, video, VR story, community discussion board, quiz, or interactive game? (Explore Tools and Examples for ideas.) Don’t try to do everything just because you can; think about which function(s) are most suitable to your project goals and limit yourself to what you can realistically accomplish in the time available to you.
- Write 1-2 paragraphs articulating your specific ideas and goals for the project.
- List as many questions as you can generate about the topic.
- Formulate your topic as a problem, using the “Topic → Question → Problem” template from Craft of Research (we are researching _____, because we want to know______, so that our readers/users will understand _____). It may help to write up several different versions of the template, as well as to return to and revise it throughout the semester, as you research and develop your ideas.