I will be evaluating the Immersive Reality Lab and one of the presented projects.
I write the current post with an increasing comfort using Hypothesis for digital annotations, shown in parenthesis, and a growing understanding of Information Architecture, i.e., and most resonantly, the techniques for wire framing.
Upon entering the web page the user sees a top menu bar with the website’s logo leftward of the words “Home,” “Projects,” “People,” and “Our Blog” (“The Immersive Reality Lab for the Humanities.”).
Beneath, The Immersive Reality Lab for the Humanities self-defines as a “digital and experimental humanities work group (with a logo) and the words “digital” and “experimental” have a different form than the surrounding words, emphasizing the Lab’s core values (“The Immersive…).
The website has some interactivity scrolling down the page presenting the projects in a rightward scrolling showcase. The projects being the only moving thing on the screen captures the user’s attention. The sleek white and opal theme allows the projects’ colorful logos and descriptions to pop, encouraging the user to click (“The Immersive…).
For the Token website I know I could bolster the user interactivity. Currently the landing page looks colorful (wonderful right?) but there’s nothing that MOVES and POPS to invite the user to click. In order build a trusting relationship between the participant stories, the user, and Token I must create an engaging digital experience.
The Lab has a pretty simple set up in the “Projects” and “People” tabs, presenting the additional projects, and the Team behind the Lab, for users. Not really anything too crazy going on BUT I really enjoy a minimalist approach that accomplishes the goal!
I understand the reader wants to feel energized and captivated. That does not always need to be FLASHY. The Project: Token website, with the Block Lite Theme, has a baseline minimalist approach that can only grow upwards. I feel the website effectively draws the user in enough. I can improve with any extra additions for accessibility or interactivity and not necessarily change or renovate the core design.
I venture onward to Dare to Remember | A Digital Memorial of Black Brooklyn.
The website OPENS with an evocative Twine poem seven lines long, twenty one words long. With attention spans fluctuating (lower) every year, the short and sweet approach works, while still evoking the core sentiments of (mis)remembrance and historical recovery! The must now “Begin,” accept the challenge to remember, and enter the site (BlackBrooklyn).
I definitely would like a screen that preludes the landing page! A poem, or maybe a definition of tokenism, or ANYTHING! The Dare to Remember theme is “Sydney by aThemes,” so I’ll see what I can accomplish within my Block Lite theme.
Dare to Remember seeks to empower the disavowed black voices within Brooklyn, maneuvering historical silence as a relic, or even birthright, capable of reclamation by black communities. After the Twine, the user sees another slideshow of pictures with and another “Doorway.” Beneath the slideshow, the Project: Overview (which reads, just slides off the tongue), and three other “doorways” to the Essay, Photos, and Maps & VR. Once again, I appreciate the minimalist approach that utilizes the white space and effectively promotes the contents (BlackBrooklyn).
The key? Numerous, yet sleek, points of engagement.
Examining what the three components do (each with a Twine “doorway” entry page before the landing page: The Essay provides a space for folks to engage with the scholarly frameworks behind the project. The Map spatializes Brooklyn with incredible virtual reality technology. The photographs … (BlackBrooklyn).
The Token website currently does NOT have an essay or a photo gallery. It would be ideal if I could install a plugin for a digital, interactive essay, and even something for close reading, without interfering with the Block Lite Style. Also with the photo gallery, with Token being so heavily reliant on photography for visual aid, what would an interactive photo gallery accomplish? I could show the before and after progressions of participants in yearly photo shoots? Just throwing out ideas. I know for a fact Token will continue to transform spaces with voices and faces of color so maybe before and after of the venues? I could really utilize the function!
Works Cited
Morville, Peter, et al. “Complete Beginner’s Guide to Information Architecture: UX Booth.” UX Booth Complete Beginners Guide to Information Architecture Comments, www.uxbooth.com/articles/complete-beginners-guide-to-information-architecture/.
“The Immersive Reality Lab for the Humanities.” IrLh, irlhumanities.org/.
“(No Title).” Blackbrooklyn.org, blackbrooklyn.org/.